I'm Sanjana Meher, a counselling psychologist based in Hyderabad, India.
27th January 2025: Slots for new clients are now closed. These will open on 1st March 2025.
If you are considering psychotherapy with me, please fill the waitlist form, and I will reach out to you within 48 hours with details.
Originated by American psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers, this modality forms the base of my work, in which a non-judgemental space is provided to you to explore your troubles and feelings about them.
Gary Craig's EFT is a simple, easy-to-learn and quick process in which 7 acupoints of the body are gently tapped on, while mentally recalling the issue at hand for relief from intense emotions. Acupoints are part of ancient Indian and Chinese healing systems.
In Dr. Raja Selvam's ISP, we work with an emotion as it is occuring in the physiology, and help you process it deeper for emotional resolution and more clarity. ISP draws from cutting-edge western research on embodied cognition, and from ancient Hindu schools of Yoga and Advaita Vedanta.
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